What is a healthy workplace?

Healthy American Lifestyles is a site for everyone serious about getting going on improving their health and life.

A healthy workplace is an environment where employees are encouraged to take care of themselves physically and mentally. Employers should provide their workers with a space that promotes health such as having fresh fruit available in the break room, supplying easy access to water fountains, and designing ergonomic workstations for all employees.   A healthy workspace also includes educating employees about the importance of staying active not just during lunchtime but throughout the day by taking walking breaks or finding time to stretch at your desk. And finally, it’s important to have a work culture that encourages good habits by providing positive reinforcement when people do something right like making healthier choices for lunch. Healthy workplaces start with employers who want their company’s productivity and creativity boosted while promoting employee well-being.

A healthy workplace is not only healthy for the employees but also healthy for business. Most employers want their company to be more productive and healthy workplaces have proven to increase productivity. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic found that healthy workplaces were associated with “increased job satisfaction, decreased stress, increased employee loyalty, improved safety records, and decreased absenteeism.” Companies can become healthier by promoting healthy choices among their employees; providing health resources such as healthy cooking classes or gym memberships; enforcing smoke-free policies at work; and offering incentives for healthy behavior changes, like cash rewards for losing weight through a healthy competition or up top $500 if you quit smoking. Another innovative way many companies are becoming healthier is by having worksite wellness programs that encourage healthy living. These programs offer healthy lifestyle coaching to reduce chronic illness and promote healthy habits, healthy nutrition education to improve employee knowledge of how healthy eating can support overall health, tobacco cessation services for smokers who want to quit smoking, and incentives for healthy behavior changes such as being rewarded formally or informally with cash or gift cards when reaching a healthy lifestyle goal like quitting smoking.

A healthy workplace includes having policies that protect workers from endangering their health on the job. The Occupational Health and Safety Agency (OHS) is responsible for protecting Ontario’s workers from exposure to occupational hazards like chemicals in the workplace that have been known to cause illnesses such as cancer and respiratory diseases. As well as Physical dangers, there are also social issues that affect employee work life and health. For example, a healthy workplace is one that doesn’t discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, or sexual orientation. Also, healthy workplaces are supportive of employees with disabilities to ensure they have equal opportunities for success in their career paths.

The work environment can have a significant impact on our health and wellbeing. We spend one-third of our lives in the workplace, so it’s important that we create an atmosphere where there are only no harmful conditions but also plenty of opportunities for healthy choices to be made (WHO, 2010). Workplace wellness programs take into consideration what type of work is being done by employees and may provide activities or initiatives designed around these areas. For example, if you’re working at an office desk all day long with little opportunity to move your body – they might suggest taking time each day for exercise like walking. If you need some help implementing this kind of program at your place of employment, contact us.  Stay healthy!

Healthy American Lifestyles

Healthy American Lifestyles is a site for everyone serious about getting going on improving their health and life.  Did you know the United States is far from the healthiest nation in the world? The United States is in 33rd place between the Czech Republic and Bosnia and Herzegovina! Few Americans have a lifestyle that is considered healthy and we’re here to change that.

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